Facebook Live Video

Facebook users spend 3x more time watching live videos than traditional videos. 

Facebook users comment 10X more on live videos than they do on regular videos.

Let us help you take your message live!   


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Let's Go Live!

Are you interested in producing a Facebook Live broadcast? You've come to the right place. We're the people you want behind the camera(s).

We produce product and venue launches; weekly, original content programs; corporate communication pieces; thought leader presentations; and we've even produced a 24-hour comedy performance for Facebook!

We're here to help you every step of the way, from planning to production to the post-show distribution strategy. 

Would you like to learn more about the impact our Live Broacasts have had for our clients?

Download our Live Broadcast Overview PDF: 

Live Stream Video
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Benjamin Moore Color Trends

Sharp Communications hired us to produce a Facebook Live video for their client Benjamin Moore after finding us on Facebook's reccommended vendor resource. Benjamin Moore has an active Facebook community and wanted to engage with their fans in an exciting way to discuss their 2017 Color of the Year pick. The production was a great success!

The Golf Show

Check out this reel of our weekly, irreverant look at Golf with hosts Matty Blake and Rachel Seeker. We were one of the first broadcasters in the country to produce original programming to stream on Facebook Live.

24-Hour Fundraising Broadcast

Take a look at our reel from a 24-hour broadcast we produced for Boston's comedy club, Improv Asylum. This Facebook Live connected viewers across the country and helped raise well over $20K for Globe Santa. We were one of the first broadcasters to stream for 24-hours straight on Facebook Live.