"83% of marketers said they'd create more video if there were no obstacles like time, resources and budget." - Buffer, State of Social 2016
You need social video and visuals, now. We're here to help.
We know it's hard to keep up with the media demands of digital marketing. But when 4X as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than reading about it you know you've got to get in the content creation game.
If you're short on digital marketing resources, creating a competitive presence online probably seems out of reach. What if you could catch up at a cost you can afford?
For an example of what you could create with this package, take a look at the videos to the right.
You have us for 4 hours at one location. You're in charge. You tell us who / what we're capturing and we'll bring:
The promotional video could be an interview with the business owner or enthusasitic customer. It could be a high energy b-roll package showcasing your location. The photography could be head shots, product shots, photos of your location, etc. You tell us.
Then, we'll take the video footage and photo files back to our studio.
We'll deliver:
Turnaround time for this is about 7 business days. Your video will include a licensed music track; a simple 2D graphics package; color grading; master and delivery in the file format you require.
This package is extremely competitively priced. Why? Because we're a small business, too, and we know making room in the budget for media can be tough. But as a media company, we know how much this boost in content assets can improve your online presence and drive traffic to your business.
Using the word “video” in an email subject line boosts open rates by 19% and clickthrough rates by 65%.
14% increase in pageviews are seen when press releases contain an image.
Visual content is more than 40X more likely to get shared on social media.
Using a video on a landing page increase conversions by 86%.
60% of consumers are more likely to consider a business whose images appear in local search results.
One video is worth 1.8 million words, accroding to Forrester Research.