11 Winners The Academy Didn't Have Time to Announce : Oscars 2015

The Academy Award for…

Worst Part of the 87th Academy Awards
Neil Patrick Harris: He has won four Emmy Awards for his outstanding performances as a four-time host of the Tony Awards. Last night, we all learned that is not a gig he should stray from. Providing awkward, cliché, and predictable jokes, most of which appeared to upset Oprah, NPH proved that he should stick to song and dance that is written and choreographed for him, as his major success last night was the opening number. That bit with the briefcase was so hard to see. It was like watching a five year old trying to make a dove come out of his hat, but the dove died.

Most Awkward Presenter
Eddie Murphy: He is definitely very upset about something and is taking it out on Sunday night, televised events.

Most Uncomfortable Encounter
John Travolta: This wasn’t on Idina Menzel at all. We must keep our hands to ourselves John.

Most Talked About Snub
Joan Rivers: Are you kidding me right now?! I have a deep, emotional connection with Joan Rivers. She’s my bio quote on Twitter for goodness sakes, I couldn’t be more connected to her! (Side note- follow me @ericaleblanc99 I’m super obnoxious) That woman invented the red carpet, not to mention she had random roles in obscure movies! Shame on you Academy.

Least Talked About Snub
Elaine Stritch: She was a talent that film clearly didn’t deserve. Sure, she only had a few roles on the big screen, but remember when she out-eviled Jane Fonda in Monster-in-Law? THAT DESERVES SOME RECOGNITION! I’m so sorry, I’m just very passionate about this.

Snub That Should Just, Not Be A Thing…Always
Time: We understand that it is only 9:00 in California when it is midnight on the east coast, but it is midnight on the east coast. The show should not end on the beginning of a second day somewhere. That’s absurd.

SNL Appearance (Yes this is a category)
The Lonely Island: This made my little SNL heart light up with joy.

Making Everyone Cry
John Legend and Common: What power.

Wait, What Just Happened?
Lady Gaga: People forget that she can sing. She studied musical theater at a conservatory in New York…for an entire year or two.

Being Julie Andrews
Julie Andrews: Hearing her say “Dear Lady Gaga” in her perfect Julie Andrews voice made my heart smile.

The Bees Knees
Meryl Streep (with assist from Patricia Arquette): Yes go women and equal pay and all that, I’m just happy Meryl is happy.





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