4 Smart Tactics to Get the Most out of Your Live Video

All of your pre-production paid off; you’ve just aired a live event video and it went off without a hitch! Congrats! 
Now that the high-fives have subsided and your Live viewers have signed off, what should you do with this perfect piece of content? It’d be a shame to just close the door on it, wouldn’t it? Yes, it would. 
Producing a professional live video, whether through Facebook Live or a different platform, is no small investment. It’s time consuming and costly. Don’t make it a one-off. Take these 4 tactics and make it an asset that continues to work with you long after it’s Live Air date. 

1) Craft a Blog Series

Transcribe your live video and and write a series of blogs around the event. Was it a product launch? Then we’re sure you touched on a series of benefits your customers and prospects could look forward to. Create a Why series and embed the video in to each blog post. If you don’t have video editing skills, then use your hosting platform’s tools to make the video start at the relevant point in the video. 

2) Upload to YouTube

Upload your Live Event to YouTube and start a discussion around the topic with your subscribers in the comments. Ask for feedback and link back to relevant pages on your website. 
 The essential facebook live checklist

3) Create a Landing Page

We’re sure a few people weren’t able to tune into your live event. And we’re sure there are some prospects that may not have heard about the event. Build a landing page with your video and create some premium content around its subject. Maybe an eBook that provides a deeper look into the video’s announcement, or a white paper further solidifying your company as a thought leader. 

4) Produce a Teaser

If you have the budget or the means, edit a :30 teaser video for the longer event video (that you’ve uploaded to one of your channels or hosted on your website) and share that teaser across your social channels to promote views of the longer piece. 
Use one of these approaches, or go for all four, and you’ll see the return on investment of your live video skyrocket. Have other ideas or suggestions? We’d love to hear them! Leave us a comment below!

Erin Hayes

Erin's a producer, writer and content lover. She's worked with MediaBoss since 2008. In 2010, she quit her marketing and freelance writing jobs and came on to lead MediaBoss full-time.


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